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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Filipino Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 14 - Talking About Your Baby.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Camille: And I'm Camille.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Filipino about a smiling baby picture. Ana plays with her baby, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Camille: Ang baby namin! Sino ang kamukha?
Eric: Meaning - "Our baby! Who does she look like?" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Ana: Ang baby namin! Sino ang kamukha?
(clicking sound)
Bea: Cuteness overload! Siyempre kamukha ni Mommy!
Juan: Hindi na kailangang tanungin! Kamukha ko!
Richard: Pare suko ka na! Cute yung bata eh.
Maria: Nakakawala ng pagod ang ngiti at tawa niya!
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Ana: Ang baby namin! Sino ang kamukha?
Eric: "Our baby! Who does she look like?"
(clicking sound)
Bea: Cuteness overload! Siyempre kamukha ni Mommy!
Eric: "Very cute! Of course she looks like her mother!"
Juan: Hindi na kailangang tanungin! Kamukha ko!
Eric: "No need to ask! She looks like me!"
Richard: Pare suko ka na! Cute yung bata eh.
Eric: "Man, give up already! The baby is cute."
Maria: Nakakawala ng pagod ang ngiti at tawa niya!
Eric: "Her smile and laughter relieves me of stress!"
Eric: Listen again to Ana's post.
Camille: Ang baby namin! Sino ang kamukha?
Eric: "Our baby! Who does she look like?"
Camille: (SLOW) Ang baby namin! Sino ang kamukha? (Regular) Ang baby namin! Sino ang kamukha?
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "our baby."
Camille: ang baby namin
Eric: Filipinos usually use the English word "baby" to refer to their newborns or young children. Listen again- "our baby" is...
Camille: (SLOW) ang baby namin (REGULAR) ang baby namin
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "who does she look like?"
Camille: sino ang kamukha?
Eric: When a child is born in the Philippines, the usual debate of the friends and families is who the baby looks like. If the baby is cute, almost everyone would claim that the child takes after them. Listen again- "who does she look like?" is...
Camille: (SLOW) sino ang kamukha? (REGULAR) sino ang kamukha?
Eric: All together, "Our baby! Who does she look like?"
Camille: Ang baby namin! Sino ang kamukha?
Eric: In response, Ana's friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her high school friend, Bea, uses an expression meaning - "Very cute! Of course she looks like her mother!"
Camille: (SLOW) Cuteness overload! Siyempre kamukha ni Mommy! (REGULAR) Cuteness overload! Siyempre kamukha ni Mommy!
Camille: Cuteness overload! Siyempre kamukha ni Mommy!
Eric: Use this expression to be funny.
Eric: Her husband, Juan, uses an expression meaning - "No need to ask! She looks like me!"
Camille: (SLOW) Hindi na kailangang tanungin! Kamukha ko! (REGULAR) Hindi na kailangang tanungin! Kamukha ko!
Camille: Hindi na kailangang tanungin! Kamukha ko!
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling playful.
Eric: Her college friend, Richard, uses an expression meaning - "Man, give up already! The baby is cute."
Camille: (SLOW) Pare suko ka na! Cute yung bata eh. (REGULAR) Pare suko ka na! Cute yung bata eh.
Camille: Pare suko ka na! Cute yung bata eh.
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling frivolous.
Eric: Her neighbor, Maria, uses an expression meaning - "Her smile and laughter relieves me of stress!"
Camille: (SLOW) Nakakawala ng pagod ang ngiti at tawa niya! (REGULAR) Nakakawala ng pagod ang ngiti at tawa niya!
Camille: Nakakawala ng pagod ang ngiti at tawa niya!
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling warmhearted.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about a smiling baby picture, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Camille: Hanggang sa muli!

