
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Michael: Hi everyone, and welcome back to FilipinoPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 18 - Getting Ready for a Trip in the Philippines. Michael here.
Erica: Hello. I'm Erica.
Michael: In this lesson, you’ll learn how duplicating the root or stem word completely or partially in Filipino is used to indicate plurality or intensity.
Erica: The conversation takes place at a dorm room, and it's between Pat and Mica.
Michael: The speakers are close friends, so they’ll be using informal Filipino. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Pat: Aalis ka na? Handa na ba ang mga gamit mo?
Mica: Bukas pa. Nakatupi-tupi na ang mga damit ko.
Pat: Buti naman at mabilis kang naka-empake.
Mica: Oo nga eh. Tinulungan ako kahapon ng kapatid ko.
Pat: Anong oras nga ulit ang alis mo bukas?
Mica: Mga alas-onse. Susunduin ako ng kapatid ko. Bakit?
Pat: Sabay-sabay na tayo bukas. Nga pala, sabi sa balita mukhang paalis na raw ang bagyo ngayong gabi.
Mica: Mabuti naman no. Araw-araw na lang umuulan.
Pat: Pero magdala ka na rin ng payong ha. Alam mo na ang panahon, biglang aaraw, biglang uulan.
Mica: Oo sige. Salamat.
Michael: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Pat: Are your things ready?
Mica: Almost. My clothes are all folded.
Pat: Good thing you were able to pack fast.
Mica: Ah yes. My sister helped me yesterday.
Pat: Tell me again, what time is your departure tomorrow?
Mica: Around eleven in the morning. Why?
Pat: Let's leave together tomorrow. By the way, according to the news, it seems that the typhoon will already be leaving by tonight.
Mica: Ah that’s good. It’s been raining every day.
Pat: But bring an umbrella. You know the weather, it’ll be sunny at one moment, then all of a sudden it’ll be rainy.
Mica: Yes I will. Thanks.
Michael: Erica, what’s the climate like in the Philippines?
Erica: The climate in the Philippines is characterized by high temperatures, abundant rainfall, and humid weather. The warmest days are usually in the months of April and May, and the coolest in December and January.
Michael: That must mean that it rains a lot...
Erica: Yes, there’s lots of rain all year round, though the most rain and even typhoons happen in the monsoon season from June to August. During these months in particular, bringing umbrellas is a must.
Michael: And even though it’s extremely hot and humid in the morning, that doesn’t mean there won’t be showers in the evening. But Erica, doesn’t all the rain create problems?
Erica: It does. Recently, flooding has become a problem in many parts of the capital, especially because of improper waste disposal and the changing climate. Because of that, it’s not just an umbrella that you’ll need to go out with; you’ll also want to have rubber sandals.
Michael: Okay. Is there an expression we should remember for talking about the weather?
Erica: Yes, Ang init.
Michael: Which means "It’s hot." Okay, now onto the vocab.
Michael: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Erica: tupi-tupi [natural native speed]
Michael: folded
Erica: tupi-tupi[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Erica: tupi-tupi [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have..
Erica: damit [natural native speed]
Michael: clothes
Erica: damit[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Erica: damit [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have..
Erica: empake [natural native speed]
Michael: to pack
Erica: empake[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Erica: empake [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have..
Erica: kapatid [natural native speed]
Michael: sibling
Erica: kapatid[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Erica: kapatid [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have..
Erica: alis [natural native speed]
Michael: departure
Erica: alis[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Erica: alis [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have..
Erica: balita [natural native speed]
Michael: news
Erica: balita[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Erica: balita [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have..
Erica: bagyo [natural native speed]
Michael: typhoon
Erica: bagyo[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Erica: bagyo [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have..
Erica: ulan [natural native speed]
Michael: rain
Erica: ulan[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Erica: ulan [natural native speed]
Michael: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Erica: aalis
Michael: meaning "will leave."
Erica: aalis follows the general rule for conjugating the future tense of verbs in Filipino.
Michael: What’s the future tense conjugation like?
Erica: Conjugating verbs in future tense involves repeating the first syllable of the root verb. For example, the root verb of aalis,
Michael: Meaning “will leave,”
Erica: is alis
Michael: “to leave.” This verb tense form can be used in both formal and informal conversations. Erica, can you give us an example using this verb?
Erica: Sure. For example, you can say.. Aalis siya bukas.
Michael: ..which means "He will leave tomorrow." Okay, what's the next word?
Erica: They’re not quite words, but eh, ha, and no.
Michael: These are linguistic fillers.
Erica: Right, they’re usually used to stress or clarify a point, and they make the sentences more emphatic and natural.
Michael: Let’s quickly take a look at them, one by one.
Erica: Sure thing. Eh is usually used after an explanation.
Michael: It suggests a direction for the listener. In the dialogue, it’s meant to suggest that the speaker feels sad that she has to leave.
Erica: Ha, on the other hand, stresses a point, or is a reminder.
Michael: If you use it alone, it becomes the equivalent of "Really?" or "What?" in English, depending on the tone.
Erica: No has the same feeling as a tag question in English.
Michael: It can also be used to stress a point, especially to express sarcasm or irony. Can you give us an example using one of these words?
Erica: Sure. For example, you can say.. Isama mo ko ha.
Michael: .. which means "Take me with you, okay?" Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Michael: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use reduplicated words to express plurality and intensity. Let’s remember that reduplication in the Filipino language is one way of creating words.
Erica: There are two types of reduplication, complete and partial. It’s used to convey a grammatical function such as plurality and intensification.
Michael: Is there a clear way to understand which words can be reduplicated completely and which partially?
Erica: Unfortunately, there isn’t a set way to tell, you just have to learn them.
Michael: In that case, let’s go over some of the commonly-used completely reduplicated words.
Erica: Let’s consider araw, which means “sun” or “day.” If you duplicate it into araw-araw,
Michael: it will mean “everyday.” The same goes for the word for “night,” right?
Erica: Yes. It’s gabi, and in its duplicated form, gabi-gabi, it means “every night.”
Michael: Let’s look at a different category, such as a verb.
Erica: In the case of kita, meaning “to see,” if you duplicate it as kita-kita..
Michael: you will get the word that means “to meet one another.”
Erica: Listeners, there is one thing I’d like you to notice. Usually if the ending letter of a word is o, it will be replaced with the vowel u in the first repetition.
Michael: Could you give us an example?
Erica: Sure! Sino, which means “who,” when duplicated sounds like sinu-sino. I’ll repeat it slowly, sinu-sino.
Michael: In the duplicated form, it means “who” referring to more than one person.
Erica: Please remember that not all words follow this rule, for example, tayo-tayo,
Michael: Which is plural for “us,”
Erica: and todo-todo,
Michael: meaning “all-out.” Could you give us an example with one of these words?
Erica:Yes, I’ll use sinu-sino. Sinu-sino ang mga sasama sa trip?
Michael: “Who will be joining the trip?” Ok, now let’s see a list of words that are partially reduplicated. Partial reduplication has two forms and uses.
Erica: The first form is often used to make verbs in the future tense. Partial reduplication is done by duplicating the first syllable.
Michael: Can you give us an example?
Erica: Let’s see the root ulan, which means “rain.” Ulan in the partially reduplicated form is uulan,
Michael: meaning “will rain.”
Erica: In a similar way, the root araw, which means “sun,” in the partially reduplicated form is aaraw and means “will become sunny.”
Michael: We saw this word in the list of the complete reduplication words, too.
Erica: That’s right! As araw-araw, it has a completely different meaning,
Michael: which is “everyday.”
Erica: Another example could be sulat
Michael: meaning “write.” In the partially reduplicated form it will sound like
Erica: susulat
Michael: and mean “will write.” Erica, please give us an example.
Erica: Sure! Susulat daw si Hector bukas sa kompanya sabi niya.
Michael: “Hector said he will write to the company tomorrow.” Now let’s see the other kind of partial reduplication.
Erica: This one involves the first two syllables, which are repeated. These kinds of words are often used to denote the plurality and intensity of the adjective used. For example dalawa,
Michael: meaning “two,”
Erica: in the duplicated form becomes dala-dalawa and means “two at a time.”
Michael: What’s another example?
Erica: Minuto, meaning “minute”, becomes minu-minuto and means “every minute”
Michael: Do you have a sentence for this word?
Erica: Yes, for example, Istrikto ang boyfriend mo ha, minu-minuto kung tumawag sa’yo.
Michael: “Your boyfriend is strict, he calls you every minute.”
Erica:Or using the word dala-dalawa, you can say, Dala-dalawa lang ang pinapapasok nila.
Michael: “They only allow two people at a time.”


Michael: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Erica: Salamat.

