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Archive for the 'Living in Philippines' Category

An Overview of the Filipino Culture and Traditions

Studying and learning about different cultures helps us understand why certain groups of people see the world the way they do. If you're studying the Filipino language, it makes sense to gain a deeper understanding of the Filipino culture, as well. Doing so will help you better appreciate every new Filipino word or expression you learn. The Filipino culture is quite complex, having been influenced by many different cultures. Each value and belief is applied to people’s daily lives, revealing how significant the nation’s history is. Yet despite the impact of other cultures on the character and behavior of Filipinos, it’s interesting to know that there are still many values unique to this group of people. Thus the expression Onli in da... Show more

Anong Oras Na? A Must-Read Guide on Philippines Time

Filipinos are known for following "Filipino Time" (also referred to as "late" in other countries). Despite that, there are still many people in the Philippines who are very much time-conscious.  As a matter of fact, the Department of Science and Technology initiated a campaign called "Juan Time" several years ago with the aim of promoting the nationwide use of Philippine Standard Time. That’s good news for anyone who values time. But what does this have to do with this post? Well, in this post, we’re going to learn how to tell the Philippines’ time, using the Filipino language, of course. Knowing how to read and tell time is a basic universal skill. And yes, learning how to tell time in Filipino or Tagalog is as easy as 1-2-3. You... Show more

Essential Vocabulary for Directions in Filipino

Do you know your left from your right in Filipino? Asking for directions can mean the difference between a heavenly day on the beach and a horrible day on your feet, hot and bothered and wondering how to even get back to the hotel. Believe me - I know! On my earlier travels, I didn’t even know simple terms like ‘go straight ahead’ or ‘go west,’ and I was always too shy to ask locals for directions. It wasn’t my ego, but rather the language barrier that held me back. I've ended up in some pretty dodgy situations for my lack of directional word skills. This never needs to happen! When traveling in , you should step out in confidence, ready to work your Filipino magic and have a full day of exploring. It’s about knowing a few basic phrases... Show more

Essential Vocabulary for Life Events in Filipino

What is the most defining moment you will face this year? From memories that you immortalize in a million photographs, to days you never wish to remember, one thing's for certain: big life events change you. The great poet, Bukowski, said, "We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well, that death will tremble to take us." The older I get, the more I agree with him! Talking about significant events in our lives is part of every person's journey, regardless of creed or culture. If you're planning to stay in for more than a quick visit, you're sure to need at least a few 'life events' phrases that you can use. After all, many of these are shared experiences, and it's generally expected that we will show up with good manners... Show more

Talk About the Weather in Filipino Like a Native

Did you know that every minute of the day, one billion tons of rain falls on the earth? Hard to believe, considering the climate crisis! Of course, all that rain is not equally shared across the planet. So, would you mention this fascinating fact to your new acquaintance? Well, small talk about local weather is actually a great conversation-starter. Everyone cares about the weather and you’re sure to hear a few interesting opinions! Seasons can be quite unpredictable these days and nobody knows the peculiarities of a region better than the locals. FilipinoPod101 will equip you with all the weather vocabulary you need to plan your next adventure. The weather can even be an important discussion that influences your adventure plans.... Show more

Internet Slang Words in Filipino That Pinoy Millennials Use

The internet gives birth to different trends every now and then. Among them are internet slang words. Expressions like "ASL please," "CTC?" and "BRB" used to dominate the internet chat scene, particularly during the era of mIRC and Yahoo! Messenger. Now that we have FB Messenger, Twitter, Viber, and WhatsApp, the list has been expanding and will probably continue to do so. When sending Filipino text messages or chatting online, knowing the lingo is essential. There's not a lot of internet slang words in Filipino, but the ones that do exist can be very useful to know when you're communicating with Pinoy friends online or via text. In the Philippines, there are Filipino slang words that have been around even before the internet. And... Show more

Refine Your Tagalog Skills with These Filipino TV Shows

The television was first introduced to the Philippines in 1953, making the country the first in Southeast Asia (and second in Asia) to welcome what would be referred to by many as the "boob tube" or the "goggle box." It was ABS-CBN, the leading TV network in the country today, that first gave the television to the Filipino people. Since then, watching Filipino TV shows has been one of the country’s most favorite pastimes, with Filipino families spending a huge chunk of their day in front of the small screen. Even with the advent of the internet and online streaming sites, it can’t be denied that television remains the go-to media platform for consuming content for many Filipinos. Over the years, we’ve read articles and heard news saying... Show more

How to Find a Job in the Philippines as a Foreigner

The Philippines is one of the most awesome countries in Southeast Asia. It’s a country with a very rich culture and breathtaking scenery. More importantly, it’s a place filled with kind and hospitable people. That’s why, despite the country’s imperfections, the Philippines never runs out of tourists and people who wish they could live here permanently. Being able to temporarily live in the country is also on the bucket list of many foreigners studying the Filipino language. One of the most common concerns for these individuals is where to find jobs in the Philippines. After all, there’s no better way to master a new language than to immerse oneself in the culture of the people who natively speak that language. If you’re wondering how... Show more