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Archive for the 'Filipino Culture' Category

Your Guide to Lupang Hinirang, the Philippine National Anthem

The Philippine National Anthem embodies everything that is Filipino. It epitomizes the spirit of the Filipino people, their hopes, dreams, ideals, and their love and affection for their country — the Philippines.  Learning the words of Lupang Hinirang (Chosen Land) isn’t only about memorizing the song so that you’re not left out when everyone is singing it during appropriate occasions. Learning the Philippine National Anthem is also learning about and loving the rich history of the Philippines and appreciating the struggles of its people in the past.  This guide features the Philippine National Anthem, its history, its words, and its significance to the Filipino people and even to those who wish to learn the Filipino language and the... Show more

Filipino Classroom Phrases

Online classes may be the norm these days, but nothing can beat an actual classroom experience. If you're planning to study in the Philippines one day or currently are, it will help a lot to learn and master Filipino classroom phrases. Not only will it enable you to communicate with your teachers and classmates more effectively, but it will also help you get the most out of every class you take. This guide will introduce you to over thirty school words and phrases in Tagalog, from basic greetings to common classroom instructions to useful expressions you can use when conversing with teachers and fellow students. Let’s begin! Table of Contents Basic Greetings Common Instructions and Commands Used by Teachers Phrases To... Show more

Essential Filipino Restaurant Phrases For a Great Dining Experience

The Philippines has so many good restaurants. And when we say that, we mean that traditional Filipino food is not only unparalleled in taste and quality but that there are many places to eat in the country that let you experience authentic Filipino cuisine. For a foreigner visiting the Philippines, the overall quality of your experience eating at a Filipino restaurant is determined not only by the quality of the restaurant itself but also by how well you are familiar with Filipino restaurant phrases.  Knowing how to book a restaurant, compliment a staff, or order food in Filipino may not be vital but can significantly improve your overall experience dining at a Filipino restaurant. For that reason, we made this guide just for you. Here,... Show more

Filipino Animal Names

The Philippines is home to over 50,000 different animal species, many of which are endemic to the archipelago. In the last decade, sixteen new species of mammals have been discovered in the country, and the rate of endemism is likely to rise. Because of this, it's only natural for Tagalog learners to study the names of animals in Filipino—especially those animals that are native to the Philippines.  Filipinos are animal lovers by nature. Because the Philippines is primarily an agricultural country, a large portion of the population lives in rural areas where animals (both domesticated and wild) roam free. In this guide, you’ll learn the names of over 80 animals in Filipino, from common housepets (and pests) to farm animals...and from... Show more

Filipino Love Phrases: How to Say “I Love You,” in Tagalog

Filipinos are known to be very romantic. In fact, Filipinos are ranked as the fourth most romantic lovers in the Asia-Pacific, despite the reality that the Filipino culture of courtship has significantly evolved over the past several decades.  Before, a young Filipino man would serenade the love of his life to express his feelings for her in a gesture called harana. Courtship slowly shifted from the traditional serenading to phone calls and love letters. The grand arrival of the internet and the mobile phone eventually gave way to online dating.  So, in modern times, how does one say "I love you," in Tagalog? Despite the gradual changes to courtship and dating in the Philippines, what remains are the utterances used in expressing... Show more

Why learn Tagalog? Here are 10 compelling reasons.

Why learn Tagalog or Filipino when there are other languages to choose from? If you’re studying Tagalog as a second language, there’s a chance that you’ve been asked this question once or twice. But even if you’re still in the process of deciding whether to study Tagalog or not, this is a valid question to ask yourself. Is the Filipino language so significant that you should spend more than 1000 hours to learn and master it? As a Filipino, I would say that our language may not be too sophisticated, but there are more reasons to study it than you could think of. From widening your professional network to making new friends or finding more opportunities for romance, there are just so many reasons for you to consider it. In this blog... Show more

30 Filipino Proverbs for Everyday Life

The Filipino culture is saturated with all kinds of traditions, beliefs, and superstitions, many of which are either illogical or impractical. Despite this, it’s also rich in proverbs that contain ageless wisdom. Known as salawikain in Tagalog, Filipino proverbs are bits and pieces of knowledge passed down orally from one generation to another. Their main purpose is to relate perceptions and little truths that have been tested through time. There are many things from my childhood I will never forget. Among them are the Filipino proverbs that were taught to me by my parents and elders, and the ones I read from the once-popular Tagalog children’s magazine Pambata, which featured a comic strip entitled ‘Mga Salawikain ni Lolo Brigido.’ ... Show more

Manila Travel Guide: The Top 10 Places to Visit in Manila

Manila may not be the same since the lockdown started, but what remains is the fact that it's one of the best and most important places to visit in the Philippines. This is especially true if you have a desire to study the language and culture of the Filipinos.  In this Manila travel guide, we’ll take a look at the top ten places to visit in Manila. Whether or not you’ve been to Manila before, you’ll find this guide invaluable. Here, you’ll learn the best times to visit the region, which landmarks and tourist spots to see, and which words and phrases to use when conversing with the locals. So, fasten your seatbelts, and let’s take a ride to the capital of the Philippines—Manila! Metro Manila at night. Table of Contents ... Show more

English Words Used in Filipino: How Much Taglish Do You Know?

In your interactions with native Tagalog speakers, don’t be surprised to hear a few English words thrown in. Some refer to this mixing of the two languages as Taglish, while others call it Philippine English or Filipinism. The practice of using English words or phrases in a uniquely Filipino way has been around for decades, and it usually leaves English-speaking foreigners scratching their heads. Yes, that's what this kind of Filipino-speak produces at times: confusion.  If you're a foreigner studying the Filipino language and desire to truly master it, this is one aspect of the language you must not overlook, as 99% of Filipinos speak in this manner. To help you navigate this crazy world of English words used in the Filipino language,... Show more

An Overview of the Filipino Culture and Traditions

Studying and learning about different cultures helps us understand why certain groups of people see the world the way they do. If you're studying the Filipino language, it makes sense to gain a deeper understanding of the Filipino culture, as well. Doing so will help you better appreciate every new Filipino word or expression you learn. The Filipino culture is quite complex, having been influenced by many different cultures. Each value and belief is applied to people’s daily lives, revealing how significant the nation’s history is. Yet despite the impact of other cultures on the character and behavior of Filipinos, it’s interesting to know that there are still many values unique to this group of people. Thus the expression Onli in da... Show more