How to Use Filipino Numbers for Daily Usage


We use numbers in every aspect of our lives. We use them to tell the time, count our money, check the date, measure objects, and find out how many calories were in that last piece of cake we ate. When learning a new language, its number system is always one of the first things we study since numbers have so much impact on our daily lives. 

The great thing about Tagalog numbers is that they’re as simple as they can get. All you need to do is memorize the first nine numbers, and the rest should be as easy as 1-2-3. No pun intended! And no, that is not an exaggeration. 

Why don’t we begin so you can see what we’re talking about?

The Letters of the Alphabet and the Numbers 1-5

Learning Filipino numbers is as important as learning the Filipino alphabet.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Count to One Billion in Filipino Table of Contents
  1. Filipino Numbers 1-9
  2. Filipino Numbers 10-100
  3. Filling in the Gaps
  4. Counting in the Hundreds and Thousands
  5. How to Give Your Phone Number
  6. Saying Prices
  7. Using Numbers When Shopping
  8. Learn More Than Just Tagalog Numbers with FilipinoPod101

1. Filipino Numbers 1-9 

There are two sets of numbers used in the Filipino number system. The first set includes those of Malay origin, also known as Tagalog numbers. The second set includes those of Spanish origin. Tagalog numbers are used primarily for counting and measuring. Spanish numbers, on the other hand, are used for telling the time (although they’re also used for counting money). 

It’s important to note that other Filipino dialects have their own number system apart from Spanish numbers, although the similarity in their pronunciation and spelling remains. In some Visayan dialects, for instance, dalawa (“two”) is spoken as either duha or duwa, and tatlo (“three”) is tulo. 

That said, here are the numbers from 1 to 9 in both the Tagalog and Spanish number systems.

1 – Tagalog Numbers 1-9


2 – Spanish Numbers 1-9


A Child Studying the Equation 1 + 1 = 2

Learning numbers in Filipino is pretty straightforward.

Note: The modern Filipino number system doesn’t have an equivalent for “zero.” It’s rarely (if ever) used in literature or in conversations. However, a long time ago, Filipinos would use a term that referred to nothingness. It’s the word kopong, which is an Austronesian word meaning “empty” or “nothing.” You’ll find a short explanation in this article.

2. Filipino Numbers 10-100

In this section, you’ll learn how to count from 10 to 100 in Filipino. 

There is a pattern used for counting from 11 to 19 in Tagalog. In English, we use “teen” for the numbers 13 to 19; in Tagalog, however, we use labi for the numbers 11 to 19. The term labi is Filipino for “remnant” or “excess,” that is, excess from ten. For instance, 11 is labing-isa in Tagalog, which means it is ten plus an excess of one.

1 – Tagalog Numbers 10-19


2 – Spanish Numbers 10-19


3 – Tagalog Numbers 20-29

In our entry on intermediate Tagalog words, we mentioned the formula for counting beyond the “teen” numbers: add the suffix -pu to the end of the numbers in the tens place. The suffix -pu, by the way, is short for sampu (“ten”). Let’s see how that works.

A- Tagalog

100isang daan

Notice how the linkers were used in these numbers. For dalawampu (“20”), the linker ng was replaced by “m” with the suffix -pu attached right after it. The same is true for the numbers tatlumpu (“30”), limampu (“50”), pitumpu (“70”), and walumpu (“80”). For numbers ending in a consonant, the linker na was used instead.

You can check out our blog entry on Filipino word order to review how the linkers na and ng are used.

B- Spanish


3. Filling in the Gaps

This time, let’s find out how to write numbers between 20 and 30, 30 and 40, and so on. The formula is rather simple. You simply write the word for the number in the tens place and attach the word for the number in the ones place after it. In this case, we will use the contraction of the linker at (“and”). Check this out:

1 – Tagalog Numbers

21dalawpu’t isa
22dalawampu’t dalawa
23dalawampu’t tatlo
24dalawampu’t apat
25dalawampu’t lima
26dalawampu’t anim
27dalawampu’t pito
28dalawampu’t walo
29dalawampu’t siyam

The same rule applies to the rest of the numbers from 30 to 90. Here are some examples:

31tatlumpu’t isa
42apatnapu’t dalawa
53limampu’t tatlo
64animnapu’t apat
75pitumpu’t lima
86walumpu’t anim
97siyamnapu’t pito
108isang daan at walo

2 – Spanish Numbers

The rule for the Spanish numbers works in the same way, except that the linker used is also in Spanish: y (“and”). Also, the use of the linker excludes the numbers from 21 to 29 and all numbers from 100 and beyond. Let’s see how it works:

21bente uno
22bente dos
23bente kwatro
28bente otso
29bente nuwebe

31trenta y uno
42kwarenta y dos
53singkwenta y tres
64sisenta y kwatro
75sitenta y singko
86otsenta y sais
97nobenta y syete
108siyento otso

Trivia: Did you know that Filipinos used to follow a different system for counting? It was way more complicated than the one we use today! This article talks about it in detail.

A Red Paperclip Connecting Silver Ones

Linkers play an important role in the Filipino number system.

4. Counting in the Hundreds and Thousands

You already had a glimpse of what it’s like to count in the hundreds in Filipino. With Tagalog numbers, this simply means attaching the word for the numbers in the ones and tens place to the number in the hundreds place. We do that with the help of the linker at (“and”). 

1 – Tagalog Numbers

Let’s take a look at how we use this linker to form larger numbers in Filipino:

101isang daan at isa
102isang daan at dalawa
109isang daan at siyam
112isang daan at labingdalawa
120isang daan at dalawampu
125isang daan at dalawampu’t lima
130isang daan at tatlumpu
137isang daan at tatlumpu’t pito
140isang daan at apatnapu
144isang daan at apatnapu’t apat
179isang daan at pitumpu’t siyam
186isang daan at walumpu’t anim
193isang daan at siyamnapu’t tatlo
200dalawang daan
300tatlong daan
400apat na daan
500limang daan
600anim na daan
700pitong daan
800walong daan
900siyam na daan

Counting in the thousands is just as easy. All you need to do is replace the word daan (“hundred”) with libo (“thousand”) and apply the rules you’ve learned.

1000isang libo
1001isang libo’t isa
1020isang libo’t dalawampu
1035isang libo’t tatlumpu’t lima
1100isang libo’t isang daan
1109isang libo’t isang daan at siyam
1120isang libo’t isang daan at dalawampu
1155isang libo’t isang daan at limampu’t lima
2000           dalawang libo
3000tatlong libo
4000apat na libo
5000limang libo
10000sampung libo

Someone Writing 1000 and 2000 with Chalk on a Blackboard

The Filipino term for “thousand” is libo.

2 – Spanish Numbers

Once again, the same formula applies when counting using Spanish numbers. Just take note that there’s a difference in when the linker is used for numbers in Spanish.

101siyento uno
102siyento dos
109siyento nuwebe
112siyento dose
120siyento bente
130siyento trenta
137siyento trenta y siyete
140siyento kwarenta
144siyento kwarenta y kwatro
193siyento nobenta y tres

And for counting in the thousands, we simply replace siyento (“hundred”) with mil (“thousand”).

1001mil uno
1020mil bente
1035mil trenta y singko
1100mil siyen
1109mil siyento nwebe
1120mil siyento bente
1155mil siyento singkwenta y singko
2000           dos mil
3000tres mil
4000kwatro mil
5000singko mil
10000diyes mil

By now, you’ve probably realized how easy it is to write numbers in Filipino, both in the Tagalog format and the Spanish format. As long as you follow the formula and know which linker to use (and when to use it), there’s very little chance for you to make a mistake.

5. How to Give Your Phone Number

The interesting thing about numbers in Filipino is that even though Filipinos use two number systems, we always give phone numbers using the English language. In the Philippines, it would be awkward to give your phone number using Tagalog or Spanish. Here’s an example scenario:

  • Pwede ko bang mahingi ang numero mo? (“Can I have your number?”)
    Sige. Ang numero ko ay 0947 7651036. (“Sure. My number is 0947 7651036.”)

Just like in English, the number “zero” is either spoken as “zero” or as the letter “O.”

6. Saying Prices

When it comes to reading prices, Filipinos often use English. However, when shopping at the public market (or any place besides malls), people often use a mixture of Tagalog and Spanish numbers. The same is true when it comes to jeepney, bus, or taxi fares.

  • Singkwenta lang ang kilo. (“It’s fifty per kilo.”)
  • Kwarenta y singko lang lahat ang babayaran mo. (“You only have to pay forty-five pesos for everything.”)
  • Kuya, kulang ng sampu ang pamasahe mo. (“Sir, you’re ten pesos short.”)
  • Kinse pesos lang po ang isang piraso. (“It’s only fifteen pesos apiece.”)

Keep in mind that you don’t need to mention the currency all the time when saying prices or when counting money.

A Man Using a Calculator while Looking Over an Invoice Sheet

Kwarenta y singko lang lahat ang babayaran mo. (“You only have to pay forty-five pesos for everything.”)

7. Using Numbers When Shopping

As mentioned, Filipinos use a mixture of Tagalog and Spanish numbers when saying prices. Unless you’re shopping at some classy mall, you don’t have to use English at all. 

  • Kukuha ako ng dalawa nito. (“I’m taking two of these.”)
  • Bigyan mo ako ng tatlo niyan. (“Give me three of those.”)
  • Susukatin ko muna ang isang ito. (“Let me try this one in the fitting room first.”)
  • Pabili po ng limang kilong bigas. (“I’d like to buy five kilos of rice.”)
  • Pitong pares ang kailangan ko. (“I need seven pairs of these.”)

8. Learn More Than Just Tagalog Numbers with FilipinoPod101

In this guide, you learned the basics of Filipino numbers and how to use them in certain situations, such as shopping and handing out your phone number. Are there any other circumstances where you think a mastery of Tagalog numbers would come in handy? Let us know in the comments!

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